Strange animal: a mole nose stellar

القائمة الرئيسية


حيوان غريب : الخلد ذو الأنف النجمي

سُبحان الخالق
Mole-nosed stellar: Beastie live live in shallow tunnels in wet land for most of northeastern United States and eastern Canada, and depends on the sense of touch to identify the food, because you do not have the eyes of his nose is surrounded by twenty-two redundant to diet


The star is moving very quickly, so you can not see the naked eyes. The camera showed a high speed that the star touch the area of ​​12 or more in every second.

What is more surprising than this blazing speed, is the way in which the mole is used Ndjemth. Valndjemh lead function similar to the function of the eye.


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