Crimes strange hero FB!!!

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Crimes strange hero FB!!!

How they entered into the prison, or died disciplinary sanctions, because of the "Facebook".

What we offer you to prove that he can go to jail if you have taken a wrong decision on the "Facebook", and that the boundaries between the virtual world and the real world, not wide to this degree.

1) Women who have been arrested because of Poke was arrested this woman after that has done a spur (Poke) to someone on the "Facebook" ", despite the issuance of an order of the police to prevent it approached him, the decision was also includes phone calls and communication, and any way other means of communicating with the person the complainant, the decision to ban breach costs approaching 11 months of imprisonment in the state, "Tennessee."

2) publish photos from a crime scene, "Marc Musarelli" was jailed for 4 years for publishing images of a woman named "Caroline w IMEI", which has been beaten and strangled to death, a man aged 48 years was sentenced after that make sure the judges that these images was filmed during his work as an emergency.

3) the beheading of a mouse and put the pictures on the " Facebook " This young woman has been convicted on charges of cruelty to animals after the shooting the video it shows a play to behead a rat , after the directed trap household , was sentenced to a fine , and spend 180 hours in community service.

4) Page penetration grade girls from two young girls has been accused of robbing a chapter on the site " Facebook " , and the dissemination of images with sexual content , and hate messages . Two girls aged 11 and 12 years , it was ascertained They are a potent this process , and they published messages thrust that they are willing to exercise citizenship.
5 ) gorging lizard " Ajoina " rare bilateral U.S. They devour " Ajoina " rare and publish their pictures with friends for them during their journey to the " Bahama " , was arrested by authorities after he saw the pictures , and vulnerable to a big fine material .
6) hire a " professional killer " faces " Chester County " imprisonment for a period ranging between 11 to 22 years old , after he admitted that he tried to hire a " hitman " to kill a woman claimed that he had raped her at a party .

7) goes to prison because of the " friend request " when issued your right decision to " ban approaching ," it is advisable to stay away already , or else face penalties of law , this is what happened to the husband aged 37 years , and who has tried to send a " friend request " to his wife which issued against him earlier decision to " ban approaching ," as a result of this friendship request , the woman authorities' request because they felt threatened , and the man ended up in jail .
8) publish a publication talking about the crime baths after he vandalized a bathroom at a cost in excess of 247 thousand dollars , and 4 -month closure of the public library , the teenager wrote what he did on the " Facebook " , which led to him going to court on these charges .Teenager tried to object at first , but he changed his statements while on the face of evidence of sabotage , a speech on the " Facebook " between him and one of his friends.


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